TP3 – Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Heterogene Katalyse


The group of Ferdi Schüth has a strong background in the synthesis and application of nanostructured catalysts. Most relevant is the design of nanostructured electrocatalytic systems and the development of high-performance catalysts for the experimentally challenging Periana system. Moreover, the mechanical workshop of the institute is experienced in the design and construction of various high-pressure systems. The knowledge in the synthesis of nanostructured catalysts and the construction of sophisticated (electro)catalytic reactors will be leveraged to enhance the overall capabilities of the research unit.

TP3 aims to synthesise nitrogen oxides anodically by "reactive" electrolysis of liquid ammonia. Mechanistic considerations of electrolytic ammonia splitting suggest that there are possible pathways, but it is completely unclear what productivities can be reached. If nitrogen oxides are anodically formed, the system will be studied systematically, including screening of catalysts and conditions and gaining insight into a possible mechanism.


Prof. Dr. Ferdi Schüth

Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung Heterogene Katalyse
Tel.: 0208 306 2373

Moritz Krebs

Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung Heterogene Katalyse
Tel.: 0208 306 2367

Work packages and interactions of TP3 with other subprojects.