TP2 – Max-Planck-Institut für chemische Energiekonversion, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Electrosynthesis


The lab of Siegfried Waldvogel has established a unique expertise in preparative electro-organic synthesis ranging from electrosynthetic screening to electrochemical process development. A specific focus is on downstream processing and application for pharmaceutically relevant intermediates. In close collaboration with the in-house mechanical workshop the Waldvogel group has developed and designed several electrolysers. Some electrochemical synthesis devices are currently available from commercial sources, e.g. ElectraSynFlow (IKA-Werke Staufen).

TP2 aims to establish powerful and versatile platform oxidisers that can replace other oxidants. The high current densities required for the HER will be paired with inorganic oxo species, which fulfil the key prerequisites: safe in use, storable, recyclable and allowing the construction of complex molecules. New electrosynthetic pathways at boron-doped diamond anodes will be studied. Secondly, mixed metal-modified anodes will be tuned to enlarge the electrosynthetic toolbox. A new haloform-type reaction which is essentially halogen-free will be investigated.

Prof. Dr. Sigfried Waldvogel

Max-Planck-Institut für chemische Energiekonversion Electrosynthesis
Tel.: 0208 3063131

Maximilian Hielscher

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz-Department of Chemistry
Tel.: 06131 39-21614

Work packages and interactions of TP2 with other subprojects.